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Tuesday, December 21

Azam Tahun Baru ??

Bagun awal lagi...lagi2 bagun awal !
i woke up early for the past 3-4 days.
is it coz of new year resolution ?
For islamic year of course...AWAL MUHARRAM KAN? =)
Alhamdulillah !
wish list ! :

1. Nak ade kije

2.Nak g tgk wayang

3.Nak beli jaket !! haha..

4.Nak makan nasik kandaq dan kuey tiaw kungfu !

5.Nak g melancong. =D

All of this i want before going back to study ...lalalalal..


silly girl trah said...

1. amin
2. jum tg0k the tourist?
3. jaket y mcm kite tg0k ari 2 erk?
4. nyum3... nk ckit..
5. nk ik0wt...

محمد إخوان said...

2.the tourist cite ape??
3. Yup !! =)
4. mane bole..g la bli sndri. hikhik
5. nak ikot ?...time honeymoon bole lh. :)

silly girl trah said...

1. ur welc0me dear
2. cite omputih??
3. wah... hencem!
4. ;( xper t blaja msak sendri...
5. wah... lmer lg tuh... XP

محمد إخوان said...

2.owh..nti i search for it.
3.i noe..haha. cool jacket kn.
4. good..nti msak hari2 k. wink!
5. patience is a virtuee..dear.

silly girl trah said...

1. -
2. lazybone bear... jgn bce kt wiki
3. u know? uhuh... mmg cool abih...
4. LDR remember? jd u cant eat... XP
5. yes my dear... butder someone y xske waiting??? (thinking) i wonder who huh?

محمد إخوان said...


silly girl trah said...

i WON!!!!