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Sunday, December 12

First Post of the day !!

At last i have create my own blog. haa..
well,at first...
I've followed some of my friends blog but never thought i would make one...
and then on a night of nothingness at my uncle house..
i say.
'wat the heck....lets just try and create a blog,we've been always follows people blogs. why don't make one for us??'. ( we? am i having multiple personality here?? ;D )
after 30 minutes..TADAAA!
i have my own blog..
well i doesn't quite finished yet with the design like the header..and whatever it is.
these blog seems a lil' bit like friendster...with the custom CSS and so on.
but i guess...it'll turn out to be a good design SOMEDAY! haha..:D
I'm a newbie in this blogging things...DUHH!

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