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Tuesday, December 14

House On Setongkol Hill -

Skizo, n Alip...my birthday prank. :)

Mat ,tokai , Panjang..Dinner
Lee,gorgon n abe..Eid party

Wasting time..

Mat with a cute lil janin (alip )

Aha..this one is Setongkol Hills most tough person..Eri and Mat
Remember this dudes always...ade lg 1,tp ssh nk cari gmbar dia. nti2 la upload ek. ;D


silly girl trah said...

ader org 2 cbe jd tikus mondok kt "wasting time" ker???

محمد إخوان said...

cute isnt it??

H.lee.H said...

HAHA ! setongkol hills ehhh ! baik dude !

محمد إخوان said...

old times kot,