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Friday, December 17

mOvie pUh-LeAsee !

Huargh..im getting bored at home.
not much to do except MORE house chores.

Cant explain how much i miss my homies .
Tokai ,Mat ,Erie and others SETONGKOL HILLS DeviL.
Getting out late night..
doing some crazy things..laugh.
enjoying midnight movie every weekdays.
playing futsal in front of our rent house..(usually mat n tokai with me)
Dem it that was good times !

BUT..and its a MAJOR BUT !!
Here at my house i didnt have any close friends..( Negeri Sembilan )
most of my friends lives at MUAR. YES! been long time hasn't go back there.

uhh..but my post here are about MOVIE to be truth.
huarghh!! (becoming HULK)
i really want to go..but didnt know with whom.
ask my family..but my father wasn't much a fans of CINEMA movie. ( X )
wanna ask my cendawan..Shes Farrrrr...Fhewww away. its a LDR. duhh! ( X )
wanna ask my cousins..well they're far too! ( X )
so mathematically...my only hope is

Well it would be BORING going in alone

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