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Sunday, February 13

Superb MBG !!

Wuyoh2 !!
melaka blogger gathering was effing fun !
at last i was able to join this gath after missing 2010 gath.
There are so many people attending the event  compare to last year.. which was cool + awkward !
My arrival was greeted by Ex-wifey Tyka Chou .. haha.
but i was a little over time ..the event started at 12.30 , tp i tibe dalam kol 12.45.
Alah ! lambat seket jek ! =.='
the first event which is ICE-BREAKER or BREAKING whatever it is.
After that g suke2 hati main boling .. I was kinda do not know how to play OK !
but i think i was doing good at it ..first try. BEGINNERS LUCK je !! haha.

im not able to upload any picture .
Segan nak gune phone burok saya !. =(
So i was waiting picture from kak cimi n others.

Later i'll upload it keyh !.
Peace outing..


cimi said...

oke adek ! nty kakak bagi gamba ea. :P

محمد إخوان said...

haha ..
oke akak cimi. :D

Unknown said...

GATHERING BLOGGER MELAKA OFFICIAL REPORT: BLOGGER DIBAWAH SATU RUMPUN http://kindofsoul.blogspot.com/2011/02/gathering-b