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Tuesday, April 19

Mengalir begitu Derasss...o.O

Masjid al-azhim view....nothing todo with entry
Its been about 4 months im in relationship.
Endure some high n lows in it...its been a long time since im in that situation.
even-though previous relation xbnyk gado2 (mcm bnyik makanan lak), it still didnt work out and most importantly turn myself into terrible breakdown for bout 5-6 month.
But so far in my current relation..everything going very well , im happy with it.
in the meantime still getting used to the relationship thingy...have to reduce my emotional stuff that i usually am. =.=

let the flow go..go.. 
hopefully things will work out just fine,Cant endure another failure.


Ad'Deanz said...

ang nih..gebang ja lebih..
poyo sikit di situ..(n_n)

محمد إخوان said...

haha...betol la giler.
Berjaya bertahan 2 tahun oke.
Ingat aku Flayboya ker..

Ad'Deanz said...

woohhoo..2 tahun siut..
agak-agak budak umur 2 tahun dah matang lom..ahahaha..fikir-fikirkan ya..
ang bukan boya ka muahahaa..
papepun..cepat-cepat la kahwin naa..

محمد إخوان said...

haha..aku mmg laa nmpak cm babyface kan,tp da matured dah. ;p
Kawen?? Masih awal lagi la bro..biaq da ada keta,rumah sndri...renovate umah ibu n ayah. baru aku kawen.