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Wednesday, December 29

Around Reunion Party High School 89'

Pembakaran bernula !

Eksen Lebih

Shot ! candid ngn Apiz manja. =D
gaya chep pojie tingtang2 alexander..haha
Ahaha..sambal ikan pedas kott.
Chep one?? lalala..halim posing
bersama teman rapat lama..si panda !

Old Boys 1/2
Nak balik daahh...
89' High School Old Boys
Majlis Tamat Pukul 2AM ! haha..=D


tyka chou said...

wowww!! mcm best jekk! huhu

محمد إخوان said...

ofkos best weh !..
ramai giler mmber2 lama..+ there is chiken.