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Sunday, January 2

A Night at Putra Specialist Hospital

Fhew...just got back from PSH malacca.
after spending a night there accompany my dad..although he hasn't been discharged yet.
who was admitted to be observe only due to his headache.
it was FUN spending time with dad..though it was not on normal circumstances.
i still can see  a  part of malacca...taming sari tower,river cruise from my dad's ward.
it was cool..
also hangging out alone at night around malacca. hikhik.
Haa..thanks also to my SYG who sacrifice her vacation time to message with me.
haha..though it wasn't a big matter to certain people..but i appreciate it so much
thanks a lot dear..

♥ u so. =)

p/s: hope my dad will get well soon.


tyka chou said...

smoge daddy cpt sembuh! :))

محمد إخوان said...

hikhik..thanks x-menantu

syamimihaziqah said...

what happen to ur dad?
get well soon!

محمد إخوان said...

admitted...but he's better now.
thanks for the wishes. =)