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Tuesday, January 4

Work please come to me !-

its already 2011, a new year. getting bored at home.
got nothing to do..parents are working.
my Syg also working.
so that leaves ME alone..unemployed ! haha
well..i might give me a week or two to enjoy my unemployed times before looking for one.
but the case is..how can i enjoy if im stuck here at home? =D
might looking for part time after this..so that i can have income to collect. (not for married..dont get me wrong)


silly girl trah said...

uh... ader org slah anggap anda nk kmpul duit utk kawen ker???
huhuhu... ke awk sendri pk cmtu??

محمد إخوان said...

in case they misunderstood?? :)

cimi said...

bnyk sgt mse dtg lwt sy dkt utem. :D

محمد إخوان said...

Dlm planning tu.
nti ajak tyko. hehe