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Thursday, December 16

At Last..

It's been more than 2 years  i was stuck in my past.
without letting go any of it...
im so tired..
i was so afraid to move forward with my life..
because the scars 'you' left me with is too deep to be treated.
it was so painful that i cant even move on in my life. 
even time weren't able to cure it completely.

But now..after 2 years i live in a shadow of you.
now i have learn to let u go completely from my life.
Even-though i never regret loving u all this time.
i wish we will never met again.. 

It is because...now she's the keeper of my 'heart'


silly girl trah said...

u need to give allowance to her since she's now the keeper of your heart...
uhhh... dh mcm keeper goal plak...
hik3... (wink2)

محمد إخوان said...

duhh ! xperlu ok..
not necessary..=p

btw..u can stalk me more after this.

silly girl trah said...

uhhh... dun like dat word...
mushy annoyed with that word...

محمد إخوان said...

really ...why?